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    Consumers have a right to complete information on the price, quality, quantity, ingredients and other conditions under which the goods and services they consume are produced. It is only in this way that consumers are able to participate meaningfully in economic life and to exercise their rights.

    Information is power. It is only when we have access to information that we take informed decisions about matters that affect our lives, our communities and indeed our country. But it is not enough merely to have access to information. In order for information to make the desired impact, it must be relevant to our needs. In addition, we must know how to use information in order to make the desired impact.Merely complaining about poor quality goods or services without directing our concerns to the responsible service producer or provider is unlikely to effect change. We must also follow up on the complaints we lodge with service providers. If our complaints or concerns are not addressed, we must raise them with the next in line of seniority or appropriate outside bodies. This is the only way through which to seek redress and encourage accountability among service providers.

    This implies that service providers have redress mechanisms within their organisations. Where redress mechanisms do not exist, consumers must demand that they are put in place and observed.

    The fact that consumers have access to information about goods and services does not necessarily mean that information is easily made available. Sometimes, even in a democratic society, it is difficult to force service providers to make information available to consumers. When the release of information necessary for the exercise of our rights is made impossible, it is up to us as consumers, to demand that such information is made available.

    Generally, consumer rights are connected to one another. One right cannot be viewed in isolation from another or from responsibilities that come with rights. As such, redress is better realised when consumers organise themselves into collectives to press for their rights. For example, service providers who thrive on consumer ignorance or apathy are more likely to listen to a group of unhappy consumers than one individual. Otherwise, the service provider can lose reputation and business if the group decides to buy goods and services elsewhere or boycott the business. Consumer collectives can also negotiate better sale deals with service providers while individuals may find this difficult or need to develop personal relations with service providers, often over long periods of time.

    (sourced from



    Amid the further spread of novel covid-19 in Nigeria it is instructive to purchase an item to be used by each household but buying beyond what you need now is quite an unacceptable and government needs to wade in as soon as possible,

    Government through it agencies need to urgently come out to implement price control in all the states and local government, with the new federal competition and consumer protection commission act 2019, Government through FCCPC can regulate the price of the product.

    Nigerians are used to panic buying of fuel not buying of provisions, toiletries and food items, the challenge of panic buying is the price hike that will follow it. a sanitizer that is expected to sell at #500 is now sold at #1,800, the social pressure of Covid 19 is biting harder in Nigeria that each family cannot help it when they see other people buying erratically and purchasing too much stuff, people feel like they should buy too.

    According to, a lady called Bidemi said, my mother is asthmatic and I have bought 10 packs of inhaler for her just in case the situation gets worse and prices go up. at we canvass to Nigeria government to introduce a limit for purchase on fast-moving consumer goods and direct price control on hand sanitizer and face mask.

    There is must be continuous education that is no reason to stockpile consumables and food supplies beyond a particular limit. We must all shop responsibly so that everyone has access to the essentials, shops in the UK such as Tesco is allowing shoppers to buy just two packs of certain items such as dried pasta, tinned tomatoes and anti-bacterial cleaning products. Sainsbury's and Asda are limiting customers to three of anyone products, controlling excessive buying in Nigeria will not be out of place in Nigeria.


  • A philosopher once said " that the birth of a child signifies GODS desire for the world to continue without end." Children are the strength of the future. The mistakes of the past are to be made perfect in the minds of the children. Children are the torch bearers for a future unknown. To neglect a child or poorly develop a child, is to neglect the future of an economy. To embezzle funds meant for the empowerment of Children is to create a bleak future for the economy.

    According to a recent united nations statistics, over 15 million children in Nigeria are victims of child labour, a further population of the children are poorly developed by parents and guardians. This statistics produces an unpalatable situation for our economy.

    The quality of care children receive in a society ultimately defines how successful that society will be in years to come. Society cannot abandon its children, the abandoned children will in future harm the society that abandoned them. When children are not properly formed through sound moral etiquettes, and empowering societal values, the negative side of society will influence their minds to act otherwise.

    Today, so many children have been converted by terrorists, armed gangs, political thugs, prostitutes, thieves, fraudsters and assassins.

    There are many Nigerian kids who are exposed to harmful products. There are children who do not feed properly. There are many children who go to bed hungry, without hope of where food will come from the following day.

    If poor services offered to children are allowed to continue, our society will be setting its self up for disaster. This is not a time to keep mute. If society is determined to move forward, developing the minds of children is Paramount. Developing a program for the development of children is inexcusable.

    Society and leaders should be upset when a child who should be studying is hawking or engaged into force labour.

    There are many Nigerian children who are ill prepared to handle the demands of the future. This is a call to all Nigerians. Our leaders, we need to think, we need to brainstorm. When we get our developmental structures for child care in the country, the rewards will be for society.

    This is the time for a reform on children's welfare in Nigeria. State and local government authorities should be focused on improving the standard of empowerment and knowledge children are exposed to. The better exposed children are, the more civilised society becomes.

    Let's celebrate the children's day to come by demanding better wellbeing for the Children of Nigeria. GOD bless the Nigerian Child.

  • Little did we know in Nigeria that we are responsible for what we produce and consume, the chain involves all of us, the producer, the consumer and the policymakers. We have overstretched the carrying capacity of our environment through different environmental degradation and consumption patterns, the earlier we key into the sustainable consumption and production patterns the better for us and the future of upcoming Nigerians, our waterways are blocked with satchel and plastic waste, we don’t have the culture to trash our can for recycling, we don’t have the choice to choose sustainable product or service that is recyclable, we don’t have the capacity to develop a policy that will reduce the production of food or drink package that are not recyclable.

    Looking at these woes in Nigeria, it’s time to rethink how we use plastics, some of the major long-term effects of plastic pollution are; land pollution, air pollution and amongst the most seriously affected are the coastal communities which will ultimately call for increased expenditures for beach cleaning, public health, waste disposal, litter removal and waste management. Arguably there may be more plastic on the waterways in Nigeria compare to fish.

    There must be a proactive measure to curb this menace through sustainable consumption and production, it is estimated that by 2030 seven hundred million people will be displaced worldwide due to water scarcity, I am sure you all know our share in this number because of our weak culture towards reducing the spate of plastic waste in Nigeria.

    The united nation sustainable development goal twelve is titled sustainable consumption and production, it aims to bring to the consciousness of global citizen to know the negative impact of environmental degradation through uncultured lifestyle.

    March 15th is world consumer right day and this year theme is: sustainable consumer, this is a wakeup call to us all as individual or consumer, we have enormous power, in the purchase choice we make and how we use and dispose the waste of those purchases and majorly on our ability to use our purchasing power to influence the business owner to package their product with recyclable items that do not have effect on the environment sustainability to the present people and people in the future,

    We must also influence our policymakers to create a policy that will make production companies produce products that are recyclable and environmentally friendly. This system cut-across all supply chain system of business through the manufacturer to the retailer and the consumers, it can also be controlled through procurement process where there will be public demand for sustainable production as a criterion for selection.

    I like to conclude this my call to Nigerians with an adage that says, if the heaven falls it is not on one person but all of us, let us consume and produce sustainably. writting by Aliyu ilias.


  • Water is the most essential element to life and it is the most important substances on earth. Every living thing in the planet must have water to survive. Water is essential in the popular circulation of nutrients in the body. It serves as body’s transportation system.

    In Nigeria today, the common medium of drinking water is the sachet water. Popularly known as “pure water”, sachets water is the cheapest and affordable form of water sold by everyone from street hawkers and shop owners and it is accessible to all.

    Everyone venture into sachet water business without technically and scientifically grounded on handling and producing sachet water through storage and proper handling. Some just package untreated water in sachet and start distributing wherein endangering lives of people that may not even care to check the water they drink.

    People drink water daily without checking if there’s NAFDAC approved number or expiring date and when it is over accumulated In their body system, it result to severe diseases.

    The failure to provide safe pipe-borne water for human consumption by the governments, led to the production of sachet water in Nigeria. The government left the production of such water by individuals, who have little or no knowledge of producing quality water.

    Professor Amobi Ilika, the director of community and public medicine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Teaching hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, Anambra state, in march 2013, when in civic presentation, cautioned that sachet water exposed the drinkers to cancerous materials.

    It is important for Nigerians to check properly before buying any sachet water to see if it has NAFDAC number and try as much as possible to protect themselves against unwanted diseases that may cause their lives and be mindful of the kind of water they drink.

    Health is wealth!!!



  • Water is the most essential element to life and it is the most important substances on earth. Every living thing in the planet must have water to survive. Water is essential in the popular circulation of nutrients in the body. It serves as body’s transportation system.

    In Nigeria today, the common medium of drinking water is the sachet water. Popularly known as “pure water”, sachets water is the cheapest and affordable form of water sold by everyone from street hawkers and shop owners and it is accessible to all.

    Everyone venture into sachet water business without technically and scientifically grounded on handling and producing sachet water through storage and proper handling. Some just package untreated water in sachet and start distributing wherein endangering lives of people that may not even care to check the water they drink.

    People drink water daily without checking if there’s NAFDAC approved number or expiring date and when it is over accumulated In their body system, it result to severe diseases.

    The failure to provide safe pipe-borne water for human consumption by the governments, led to the production of sachet water in Nigeria. The government left the production of such water by individuals, who have little or no knowledge of producing quality water.

    Professor Amobi Ilika, the director of community and public medicine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Teaching hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, Anambra state, in march 2013, when in civic presentation, cautioned that sachet water exposed the drinkers to cancerous materials.

    It is important for Nigerians to check properly before buying any sachet water to see if it has NAFDAC number and try as much as possible to protect themselves against unwanted diseases that may cause their lives and be mindful of the kind of water they drink.

    Health is wealth!!!



  • A Complete Guide To Understanding The Warranties That Come With Nearly Everything You Own

    What is a warranty?

    Normally, when you make a big purchase, the manufacturer or seller makes an important commitment to stand behind the product. This is called a manufacturer's warranty, however sometimes called a guarantee .In short, a warranty is a promise to provide repair, maintenance, replacement or refund of a product for a certain time period. How does a warranty work? Although not required by law, warranties come with most major purchases. Different manufacturers have different warranties, which also means that the extent of the coverage of warranties varies.

    Simple answers to common questions about warranties

    How long does a warranty last?

    It depends. Only way to find out is to check the warranty document to see when it begins and when it expires, as well as any conditions that may void coverage.

     How do I enforce a warranty?

    It depends. It's often the seller or the manufacturer who provides you with warranty. Check the contact information and enquire before buying if still uncertain.

     What happens if a product fails within the warranty period?

    It depends. Go through the warranty to see whether the company will repair the item, replace it, or refund your money.

    What parts and repair problems are covered by warranty? Again, it depends. Read to see if any parts of the product or certain types of repairs are excluded from the warranty. In some cases, warranties oblige you to pay for labour costs. Also, it's worth keeping in mind to look for criteria that could prove costly or problematic to comply with, such as a requirement that you ship heavy or large objects to a distant address for service, or that you return the item in the very original carton.

     Does a warranty cover "consequential damages"?

    In general, the answer is no. Most warranties do not cover damages that are caused by the product, or your time and costs for getting the problem repaired. To keep it simple, if your iPhone breaks down, the company will not pay for any lost information that was stored on it.

     What is a limited or conditioned warranty?

    Certain warranties provide coverage only if you keep or use the product as directed. For example, a warranty may cover only personal uses-as opposed to business uses-of the product. As such, it's important to check that the warranty will meet your needs.

    How does an oral warranty work?

    If a salesperson makes a commitment orally, e.g. that the company will provide free repairs, make sure to get it in writing. If not, you may not be able to get the service that was promised.

    What is an extended warranty?

    Often when you buy e.g. a major appliance or gadget, you may be offered an "extended warranty. To be clear, the term "extended warranty" is marketing lingo and, legally, we are talking about a service contract. Service contracts, like warranties, provide repair and/or maintenance for a certain time period. Now, the difference is that warranties are included in the price of the product whereas extended warranties costs extra and are sold separately. To decide whether you need an extended warranty, consider: if the manufacturer warranty already covers the repairs and the time period of coverage that you would get under the extended warranty whether the product is likely to need repairs and the likely costs of such repairs the duration of the extended warranty the standing of the company offering the extended warranty the cost of the extended warranty vs. the cost of the product

     Types of implied warranty

    Warranty of merchantability - the most common one. It means that the seller promises that the product will do what it was marketed to do. E.g. a coffee brewer will brew coffee.

    Warranty of fitness for a particular purpose - if you buy a product on the seller's advice that it is suitable for a particular use. For example, a retailer who recommends that you buy a certain jacket made for sub-zero degree weather warrants that the jacket is suitable for sub-zero weather. Again, get it in writing.

     Tips on how to minimize problems with your warranty

    Read the warranty before you buy. When online, look for links to the full warranty or contact details to get it sent to you.

    Save the warranty information. Almost always a copy of the warranty is available (at least online), save a copy and keep it with your records

    Consider the reputation of the company offering the warranty. Look for contact details. If you're not familiar with the company or uncertain, ask a consumer protection office. If they have any complaints against the company.Save your receipt and store it with the warranty. You may need it to document the date of your purchase or prove that you're the original owner in the case of a non-transferable warranty. Follow instructions. Perform required maintenance and inspections and use as advised.

    How to resolve disputes about warranty rights

    If you have problems with a product and struggle to get the warranty service:

    Read your product instructions and warranty carefully. Don't expect your product to do something that it wasn't designed for, or assume warranty coverage that was never promised in writing. A warranty doesn't mean that you'll automatically get a refund if the product is defective-the company is normally entitled to try to fix it first. On the other hand, if you made a warranty claim during the warranty period and the product wasn't fixed properly, the company must correct the problem, even if your warranty expires before the product is fixed.

    Try to resolve the problem directly with the seller. If not possible, write to the manufacturer. Your warranty should list the company's mailing address. Send all letters by certified mail, return receipt requested, and keep copies.

    Contact a consumer protection office.

    Last resort, you may want to consider a lawsuit. You can sue for damages or any other type of relief the court awards, including legal fees. Contact a lawyer to assist you with your case.

    As consumers, we could all save money and time from managing and enforcing our "warranty" rights that are either granted by law or offered by companies (that are competing for our attention in the market). With little thought and effort into understanding the warranty, saving the documentation and knowing how to make a claim you are well on your way to extend the lifetime of your products, reduce buy-throw behaviour, save money and get the most from your products. Happy organizing!

  • The horrible experience of Clinton James Twitter/@ClintJeezz in a restaurant in Benin city is a far cry from what Nigerians are suffering daily from most restaurant and food vendors. Quite a large number of ready to eat food are everywhere in Nigeria and all of them operate unchecked by the appropriate authority, perhaps the authority staff also patronize the one that is closer to them.


    I am much more concerned about the hygienic aspects of the food that vendors and restaurant sell to Nigerians. Let us deal with human factor first, how many of us ask the restaurants or food vendors if the person that prepare the food we eat outside our house is certified to prepare such food, is the person free from hepatitis, is the person free from covid-19 among other diseases and virus that can be transferred to the consumers.

    The challenge of the average Nigerian is satisfying hunger coupled with the challenge of the food crisis that is getting worsened in our country today.

     Environmental factor challenge is also begging for an immediate solution from the government, which are unsafe environment, unsafe water, unsafe waste disposal and exposure of food to insects and dust where food vendor does not care about covering the food. These are more prevalent in most cities in Nigeria.

    I recall my fight with a man who carries a slaughtered skinned goat meat on his motorcycle and tied it with rubber, transporting it to another location in a dusty road. While I was telling him, this is not healthy he was busy speaking in his dialect and people around the scene were looking at me as if I am asking for too much, more so this very city has Environmental officers, even though they are not up to 300 to take care of four million population. Our country employs more medical doctors compare to an environmental officer who will prevent a health-related outbreak, but employs doctor that will take care of the health issue when it happens.

    World health organization position is that food safety must be recognized as a public health function and access to safe food as a basic human right.


    Aliyu ilias

    Consumer Advocate


    As we navigate the complexities of the modern marketplace, one thing is clear: consumers are facing unprecedented challenges. From deceptive marketing tactics to unsafe products, and from data breaches to predatory business practices, the threats to consumer rights have grown more pervasive. The systems that are supposed to protect consumers have often failed to keep pace with these evolving threats, leaving individuals vulnerable in a marketplace that should be serving their best interests.

    We can no longer afford to overlook these critical issues. The time to act is now. It's time to ensure that consumer protection is a priority for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. Protecting consumers is not a passive act but a proactive one that requires collaboration across all sectors. Every stakeholder has a role to play in defending consumers from harm and ensuring their voices are heard.

    Advocating for Stronger Consumer Laws and Regulations

    At the heart of this movement is the need for stronger consumer protection laws. Governments must step up to create and enforce regulations that are not only robust but also adaptable to new risks and challenges. This includes laws that protect consumer data, prevent false advertising, guarantee product safety, and ensure that businesses uphold fair practices. The legal framework must evolve as fast as the threats consumers face, ensuring that bad actors are held accountable and consumers can seek redress when wronged.

    But it's not enough for laws to exist—they must be enforced. Accountability is key. Governments must work to close gaps in the enforcement of these laws, ensuring that businesses that violate consumer rights face real consequences. This also means educating lawmakers about the ever-changing landscape of consumer protection to ensure that future laws are not only reactive but also anticipate emerging challenges.

    Supporting Ethical Businesses That Prioritize Consumer Welfare

    Business ethics have never been more important. Ethical businesses that put consumers at the forefront of their mission are crucial in shaping a fair marketplace. By promoting transparency, honesty, and social responsibility, businesses can help rebuild trust between themselves and their customers. When businesses prioritize consumer welfare, it creates a ripple effect other businesses will follow suit, and a culture of ethical behavior will take root.

    Support for ethical businesses must come from consumers themselves. By consciously choosing to support companies that demonstrate integrity and responsibility, consumers can send a powerful message: We demand better. This is a call to action for all businesses no one should profit at the expense of consumer well-being. When businesses and consumers align on values, we move closer to creating a safer, more equitable marketplace.

    Educating Consumers on Their Rights: Knowledge is Power

    Consumer education is a critical pillar of the Save the Consumers movement. Consumers cannot protect themselves from unfair practices if they don't know their rights. Whether it's understanding how to spot fraud, how to read the fine print of contracts, or how to ensure that the products they buy are safe and authentic, education empowers individuals to make informed decisions.

    In this digital age, where information is both abundant and overwhelming, consumers need reliable resources and guidance to help them navigate the complexities of the marketplace. Through public awareness campaigns, workshops, and accessible tools, we can equip consumers with the knowledge they need to advocate for themselves, seek solutions when wronged, and make purchasing decisions that align with their values.

    The Save the Consumers Movement: Building a Fairer, Safer, and More Equitable Marketplace

    The Save the Consumers movement is not just about responding to immediate threats, it’s about building a sustainable future where consumer rights are not negotiable, and where the marketplace is one of trust, fairness, and security. It’s about ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background or location, has access to the same protections, opportunities, and rights.

    By coming together, we can create a world where businesses are held to the highest ethical standards, where governments enact and enforce laws that protect consumers, and where consumers are armed with the knowledge they need to make informed choices. When we unite to fight for consumers, we create lasting change. We can ensure that the marketplace is a place of fairness, safety, and opportunity for all.

    Let’s Protect Consumers Now and for Generations to Come

    The need for consumer protection has never been more urgent. The challenges are real, but so are the solutions. By acting now by pushing for stronger laws, supporting ethical businesses, and educating consumers we can protect the consumers of today and build a better future for the consumers of tomorrow.

    Let’s be the change we want to see in the marketplace. Let’s Save the Consumers, one action at a time. Together, we can ensure that every individual is respected, valued, and protected within the marketplace. And together, we can create a world where consumer protection is not just an ideal, but a reality for all.


  • I entered into the compound of my friend Abdul without the usual obstruction mostly caused by falling cables at the entrance of the compound. The silence in the compound further testified to the existence of a new normal within the compound.
    Abdul said to me, "I have to leave this house". His statement reminded me of his anecdote of how beautiful the area he resides has been classified as a small London. I kept on wondering what was responsible for his sudden desire to change the residential address. I reminded him to always think it through thoroughly when making crucial decisions as important as determining where to live. His countenance showed he was sincerely dissatisfied with an issue yet to be disclosed.
    "It appears nothing will ever work correctly in this country", Abdul Interjected. "Abdul my good friend, you speak in parables a lot"." What is the challenge at hand that has angered you this much?" This was my question to my dear friend.
    "My Landlord has just giving all the tenants within her facility up until the end of the month to produce alleged missing metres allotted to each flat. " Not only that, but we are also to vacate her house", Stated Abdul. "My good friend, the metre servicing my apartment was installed in my neighbours flat. To my greatest dismay, my neighbour informed me yesterday morning that the metre had gotten missing from the compound".
    Abdul further stated, “We rushed out immediately to the police station to lay a logical complaint regarding the stolen metre. The police officers on duty instructed us to get a court affidavit before the complaint can be tendered appropriately".
    In my response, I said to Abdul, " but we were told that no one can use another person’s metre. Perhaps if someone stole a metre it will be easier for the person to be caught especially when they are Purchasing a pre-paid token for the metre.
    This incident reminds me of a serial thief who stole a phone and kept using the phone and the sim because the phone won't accept another sim. The good news was that the thief was later apprehended with the help of a police officer.
    It is pretty obvious their metre has been stolen and this ugly menace has continued unabated in different households across the nation. Question is, how well do you keep your metre? Don’t trust the authority in charge to recover your stolen metres. Secure your metres, the price has risen beyond the previous market price.
    My question to Discos is who is using these stolen metres now?
    Guard your metre!